Aucune Entrailles, Aucune Gloire!
If u're wondering about the title of this posting.. ;) Well,i was trying to get erm..'No guts, no glory!' but the guts was translated as erm..hahaha..entrails. haha. ;) Interesting. ;) Anyways,millions of praises to God Almighty for favouring me today..hehe. ;) Yes,i met the cutest girl i mentioned yesterday again today at the Design Plaza while she was having lunch with her group of friends. :) So in order to at least let her know that i exist, i took one of Raymond & Preach's questionnaires and went over to act as though it was mine and tried to start a conversation with her..but didnt really work cause she didnt even open her mouth at all..She just moved her head and all that sort of stuffs...only her friend which wasnt really that interesting..but she looked kinda fierce..well,maybe she could see what was my intentions..haha. :P
Anyways,today the cute girl which i still couldnt get her name since she didnt talk to me..she was pretty dressed up but i guess that normal since i did find out that she and her group of friends are Mass Comm students, 1st meaning..freshies..haha. :) Well,at least now i know a little something about her. :) Guess the next time i see her [hoping tomorrow i'll be able to see her again], it'll be easier for me to start a conversation and hopefully get her name. haha. :) Well, like what Preach and Rob was saying..'Just Do It'..haha. :)
Cause if u're just all talk..then u'll just come off as a desperate freako. haha. :) Oh well,i'm feeling pretty bizarre now..hehehe. Think this is the first time i've ever tried something like that..guess there'll be more to come now.. hahaha. ;) Anyways,today's class was pretty fast. Learnt about the legislation in Malaysia..and it ended around it was all good.haha. ;) Then after class,we found out that our lecturer for History of Art was sick so meaning class is good news for us.. ;) good news as in the class is cancelled and not cause the lecturer is sick,ok.. ;) I'm not that sadistic. ;) hahaha. :P
Went to Alamanda for lunch today with Raimy, Yanna, Zaza, Oja and Li Ann. It was kinda boring..nothing much to see and we left straight after hence here i am home..blogging. hehe. ;) When i should be doing my work..haha. ;) :P Decided to develop the films during the mid-semester break so meaning i'll have to go back to college during the break..well,its not really a break cause the college is actually taking in new people during that time..Hopefully,that wont clog up the Design Plaza..well,it's kinda clogged already more people..means we'll have to fight for seats soon. ;)
Tonight gotta cover for Eugene on the acoustic guitar. Sigh,i've been really slacking in practices on my guitar ever since i started with kickboxing..Man,i feel so stagnated..took jazz classes before but kinda stopped when i started with kickboxing cause i couldnt afford to pay for so many things..anyways,dont think i should have so many activities in my schedule since i'm kinda packed with my college work already. Oh well,guess i just gotta suck it up and practice more on my own again.
Guess i better get some work done now..since i've to fetch Li Ann and Mr. & Mrs. Wong to prayer meeting later. Couldnt even get the questionnaires out so that we can learn how to analyze the information during tomorrow's ERS [Comm Studies] class. Well,we were all busy trying to finish up our Design Studies and Creative Studies assignments so my group kinda forgot about it..Oh well,guess we'll just have to work something out with Ms. Bakia tomorrow..Hopefully she's in a good mood! haha. :)
Actually..right now i'm feeling really weird..i dont know why but kinda feeling there's nothing much happening in my life right now..i know there's alot of work to be done but i'm just like doing cause i need to do it..i dont even know how to explain it..sigh,guess it'll just pass..i mean,i'm really enjoying myself since i've been in LUCT despite all the sleepless nights and all the work and deadlines..but i still have fun..but its just that this semester is really very weird..Sigh..what is happening,man?!?!1 Am i going crazy? :P Oh well,going crazy doesnt sound like a bad thing after all..hmmm.. ;) How does one become crazy, i wonder? ;) Suggestions, anyone? hahaha.. :P
"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
-Eddie Rickenbacker; US WWI aviator & businessman (1890 - 1973)-