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dDoinkster Speaks

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive"

Happy 2 month blog anniversary! :D

Calvin & Hobbes - 011093, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Currently Listening To : Deep House [Online Radio on iTunes]

Yes,it has already been 2 months since i started this blog..and still going pretty strong. ;) Wonder if i'll still be blogging 6 months later? :) Anyways,today has been pretty ok..nothing much happened except a big sense of relief after handing in my 1st photography assignment to Mr. Lee this morning. :D But when i handed it to him..he immediately handed me the brief for the next assignment. What a way to congratulate me on successfully completing my 1st assignment. I've gotta say though that i was wrong when i said that i have pretty good composed photos cause now that i've seen the rest of the gang and the rest of the class',i think my photos are pretty crappy..but all in all i guess i did good since everytime i try to print a photo..i'll get my test-strip done then i'll go look for Mr. Lee to give his comment on it and what i can do to make the photo better. I think i went to him too many times cause i think he was pretty fed-up of me going to look for him each time and disturbing him..haha. ;) i think he can remember my face already just that my name..maybe not..hehe. ;) But now,i got the hang of things already so can say pretty good at it already also lar..haha. ;) Super ego,right? :P

Well,anyway..its gonna easier this time round in a sense that we wont have to buy anymore chemicals nor photo papers cause we'll be sending it to the guys at the photolab to develop them for us..which is gonna cost us again. Gotta have to get some Ektachrome films from Fuji or Kodak cause for the 1st part of the assignment we're suppose to shoot around 2 rolls of film so that we'll have enough for 20 slides. Yes,part 1 of the 2nd assignment we're suppose to make the films into slides. :) And the best part is that we're gonna be using ISO100 films which is suppose to be less sensitive to light so we'll need to plan our shoots and also if we do screw it up while taking the photo..there is no way of rescuing the film cause when we make a mistake while taking the shot then the film will be screwed.

So it is gonna a pretty exciting ride for this assignment. :D And we'll be learning on how to use the studio to make our shoots to be much thats gonna fun since i might have to go look for models to pose for me so that i can take some shots. :D Any of u pretty girls out there interested? ;) :P Oh well,we have until the end of the semester to hand in this final project which i hope i wont screw up. :) The 2nd part of the project requires us to use CN [Color Negative] films but not ISO100 so thats better. :) so have to go look for some ISO400 CN films either from Fuji or Kodak. Gonna have to print them onto 11 x 14s which is gonna be pretty huge but then again we wont need to go into the darkroom to develop them good for us..haha. ;) Bear in mind that the 2nd assignment will all have to be in there's gonna be even more options and stuffs to play around with. :) Cant wait to get started on it but first i'll have to go search for a place thats selling the films for a cheaper price than what i can find at the photolab in college..

And also the happy bit for today was there wasnt ERS but we had to go see her for some instructions on how we should go about from where we are now..Thankfully Zaza, Putri and i were the 1st group to go in and we took like 1/2 hour in there with Ms. Bakia..talked quite abit about what we should have done by today and also what we need to have by next week for the presentation..which isnt gonna be a formal thing so its good. :) Hence tonight i'll be sleeping late again cause i'll have to get some work done for the ERS so that i can hand them over to Zaza tomorrow..

Been so busy the past week cause of trying to get all the photos out before the deadline which was busy that i totally forgot about my orthodontist appointment i had with Dr. Subra yesterday at 9.45am..haha. ;) Only realised that i had an appointment with him when i switched on my PDA today to play games..hehe. ;) :P Guess i'll just have to reschedule my appointment with him for next week..and i better do it soon else i'll forget about the whole thing again..hehe. :P Man,this braces thing is taking too long..i've been wearing it for like 19 or 20 months already..i really hope i can get it off soon so that i can start taking sparring classes in TNT. ;)

Went for my kickboxing class today..met more of the regulars there today so was quite happy that i've met them again. :) Miss them alot since my 1 month of absence from TNT. :P Apparently, Shan is leaving KPMG and going over to PriceWaterHouse in november..good for her. :) Oh yeah, Karen and Andre asked if they could use my gloves as a sample product to be sent to Australia..It seems that i'm one of the closer ones that is holding a really good pair of AAA boxing gloves, a brand which Karen and Andre started on their own. :) So i think they managed to get someone from Australia to market their stuffs there so they needed a sample quickly and so they made me an offer that if i would give them my flames graphic gloves to them as a sample product, they would provide me with another pair of new 12oz gloves and i can choose what type of graphics i want.. :D pretty good deal to me but i was kinda shy to accept the new gloves cause i mean i dont mind getting back the same one but Karen said that the fella might be showing it to alot of people and the people might want to try them its kinda disgusting and dirty and not nice to give me back the gloves..

So i gave them my gloves today after my class and i told them i kinda have grown fond of the flames so i might be getting back the same graphics but i'm kinda re-thinking my answer cause there is also a spider graphics gloves which is kinda cool looking maybe i'll change over to that one..hehe. :P Anyways,today's class wasnt that bad but i still wasnt up to form yet..guess 1 month of not exercising does take alot out of u...hehe. :P But all in all, being in the senior class was quite interesting cause before i went on my 1 month break i was quite good but now when i'm,the rest has progressed alot.. :P Feeling kinda pressured to perform better..guess that'll take me another month just to get back in shape..haha. ;)

Kinda need to do more work now cause i'm kinda craving for food right now..and i'm thinking about going to Old Town to look for some malay food..hehe. ;) or maybe i can still get to the Chau Yang pasar malam to look for food.. ;) :P Man,what a glutton..and also wasting my money on kickboxing classes.. :D Oh well,a man has gotta eat when he's gotta eat,right? ;) Guess i should get started on my work else i'll be sleeping late again..sigh..i'm starting to look more and more like a panda with my panda eyes..haha. ;)

"Success is counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed."
-Emily Dickinson; US poet (1830 - 1886)-

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