Vous voulez combattre?
Please do not laugh when u look at the drawing above! This is a photo taken after i've finished my life drawing test today..took me like 3 hours i think to finish the piece..not 3 hours straight though..i could have done it but the model wouldnt be able to survive sitting in that position for 3 whole hours..hehe. :P So there was like 3 breaks during the first half of the day..started drawing around 10am cause Mr. Foad had to brief us about our integrated final assignment..its due in 2 weeks i think..and my group hasnt even start doing any research on the art movement that we want or the artist that we want to follow. So its a pretty interesting journey..hehe. ;) Should start panicking right now but i think i better stay calm cause i dont think we can have the whole group panicking..then we wont get anything done and we'll be screaming at each other..haha. :P
So anyway, as u can see from this drawing..there is alot of faults but then again this is really much better than the first time when i got into class and did my first first drawing..Mr. Foad caused find the words to say how bad it was.. :P But today..he mentioned that my proportion was good but my drawing still looks cartoonish..so there is still room for improvement. :) but i think alot of us did make good improvement ever since attending Mr. Foad's class..so i guess Mr. Foad sure can teach a bunch of bad artists into at least..a amateur artist..haha. :) So the whole day, the class spent like 6 hours in class trying to draw and render the model onto colored sugar paper.
Got home and about 1 and 1/2 hours ago,i had a fight with my brother..and i didnt mean a verbal fight..a real fight..a fight that broke a table and almost broke my brother's laptop..God was really gracious enough to keep my mom home even though she was suppose to go for CareGroup but she stayed home..and she ended the fight..after the fight..had some serious talk..mostly about how i've been acting and stuffs like that..anyways..feeling really weird right now..dont even know what to do..maybe i should just move out..then all these wont even have to happen. Everybody was hurt..think my brother was hurt the most..physically. My mom got some too i think..cause she was trying to stop the fight and standing in between us..i got hurt on my head abit..and my last toe..that one was really weird cause i didnt even know what my last toe got hurt..Anyways,i'm going to bed right now..dont feel like doing anything..just want to go somewhere that i can just forget about everything..EVERYTHING. Maybe i should go work on some island on the east coast..i'll just stop studying and go work..maybe that'll work. i dont even have to be in KL anymore..
"Bonne nuit."
"Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all."
-William Goldman, "The Princess Bride"-