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dDoinkster Speaks

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive"

Je suis un garçon paresseux!

Notice In WaterBom, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Aloha,people. :) Yeah,i know..i know..i've not been updating my blog..been feeling really lazy and erm..well,there isn't anything much to blog about i guess..been staying home and doing nothing much. :D Did manage to work yesterday for a Hp event at Pan Pacific GlenMarie..Nothing much to shout about but they did go to MORAC on the Elite ExpressWay for some go-karting. Didn't get to go-kart but i get burn and sweat under the hot sun while the rest of the attendees got to race around the track. Man,i wanna go well,not there but maybe go to Xtreme Park in Sunway for some go-karting. :D Well,i wanna go for the paint-ball thing first then maybe the go-karting. Really miss my AEG (Air Electric Gun) stuffs,haven't been playing since December last year. Not suppose to speak about those things cause of some incidents so that's that about that. :D

Just came back from MidValley..had fish for lunch at the Manhattan Fish Market..not bad but i think Fish & Co. taste better. :) Went to Reliance College in Megan Phileo 1 near Ampang Park with 'someone' cause 'someone' is thinking about studying tourism. Yes,for those that's asking..Reliance College??? Isn't Reliance a travel agency..well,they have a college now thats offering Hotel & Tourism Management courses. :) Interesting huh..Anyways,'someone' is still trying to figure out either to go for A-Levels or ADP (American Degree Program)'s Psychology course or Tourism Management or become an air-stewardess. :) Alot of travelling involved thats for sure. :D

Been going to MidValley a few times, had meals at Kim Gary a couple of times, been playing photo-hunt a few times for the past 2 weeks. :) Nothing much happening lar. :) Kinda hoping to get back to college soon cause i'm starting to get lazy and that's not good! Not good at all..if i really become a's gonna be hard for me to be hardworking when college starts in March. :) Well,have to register for my new semester on February that means i'll have to pay those blood (read : money) sucking LUCT corporate freaks on that day else i'll be barred from going for classes.

Did go canoeing with Dax and Evelyn on Monday at Batu Dam which is near to Ulu Yam..Was suppose to go for a camping trip at Sungai idea how u spell that name but its a place thats on the way to Fraser's Hill. The trip was cancelled cause the night before we were suppose to go, Yvonne caught some virus thing and she wasn't feeling very well and that meant Nelson wouldn't be going also and that left only Dax, Evelyn and I so that means we had to think of something else to do..sigh,was kinda looking forward for the camping trip..been awhile since i was one with nature..haha. :P Got a little sunburn on my thighs but it was ok..kinda matches my suntan that i got from Bali. ;) Gotta say that i really enjoyed the canoeing part. Was fun. :) Even had under the shades in one of the many lagoons that Batu Dam had. :) Really really nice. :) Hopefully the next trip will be soon cause we're thinking about going to Semenyih Dam..should be more quiet than the Batu Dam. :D

Anyways, gonna watch a whole season of That '70s Show later that i've just finished downloading..been on this really weird crave for that tv idea why..but really enjoying it. :D So running out now to get dinner then can continue with this tv series marathon. :P Oh yeah,can u imagine working for a company that's named L J Hooker? :P hehe..pretty interesting huh..wonder what is their type of business..haha. :P Took the photo when i was in WaterBom, Bali. So have a great weekend people. :D "Au revoir, mes amis."

"Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything."
-Floyd Dell-

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At 1/28/2005 08:26:00 PM, Blogger Yian said...

LJ Hooker is an Australian real estate company.

btw, eerr...did you cut and paste your entry? because a few of the paragraphs are the same.    

At 1/30/2005 01:11:00 AM, Blogger dDonkey said...

oh ok...thanks for the info. :D

yeah,fixed the problem already..thanks.    

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