My first McDonald's grilled chicken foldover.
Yes, my very first McDonald's grilled chicken foldover. And i have to's one of the better items available on the McDonald's menu. :) But still i'm not a very big McDonald's since before i watched Super Size Me but after watching it..the more i don't feel like going to McDonald's just because it is not healthy. :) Definitely worth the watch for those McDonald's freaks out there. :)
Yes,i know that the guy might have gone abit too extreme on his little experiment but then some of the stuffs that he mentioned is quite true and definitely need abit of consideration on our own part. For example, most kids nowadays can instantly recognize who is Ronald McDonald and the golden arches from miles away. :) They can't recognize pictures of George Bush or Jesus Christ but they can recognize Ronald McDonald, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Wendy's and all the other fast food restaurant icons. :) Not something i want my kids to excel in that's for sure. :D