Happy BlogDay 2005 from Malaysia.
So this is it..
The first Blogday in history.
Here's my list of blogs that's new to me. Blogs that i've come to visit quite often since i've found them. Some we've met and friendships were born. Not too bad after all.
So enjoy, enjoy.
1. All Dat Jazz 'n' More.
Malaysian Jazz reviews, interviews and everything that's about jazz.
2. Babe In The City - KL.
Malaysian babe based in KL that loves to eat.
Food, food, food. Great stuff!
3. PostSecret.
Send in your secrets on a postcard. Very funny.
4. ^julie the biscuit^.
Another Malaysian babe foodcapades but from Selangor.
5. The Angin Is Saying.
Malayisian babe giving a glimpse to the world, what she sees.
Happy blogday 2005!

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