The casualities.
Finally, it has ended. Another Christmas has come and gone. :) Took 4 men to take down all the equipments in church, 18 people to move the equipments from church to the hotel and back while about 8 people took 5 hours to install all the equipments back into place.
The alleged speaker that fell. This was taken when the guys were helping to put it back into place. The ladder that they were using were bought after the first ladder was broken at a nearby hardware store that cost RM400++. Now if we can manage to damage a industrial ladder, that would be interesting. haha. :P
This year was really interesting because we had one man fall from the ladder, hurting his butt, and arm...while another almost fell from the ladder trying to take down a speaker, while the speaker fell and damaged a ladder. Really very eventful. :P Haven't had a year with so many interesting incidents. :) Want to take a look at the damaged ladder? :)
I wonder if you can see where the damage on the ladder is. :) Anyways, all is fine now...I think. Everyone had fun, enjoyed themselves during the Christmas service, the kids had fun and gotten doorgifts. I got quite a lot of chocolates as Christmas gifts. Think next year, my resolution would be to gain more weight. ;) :P Maybe not. ;) I really have to lose those fats I've gained since I stopped my kickboxing. I miss my kickboxing, I miss going to TNT Kickboxing for classes. I miss the friends that i've met there and haven't seen for a long time. I wonder how are they doing. :) Guess it is time for me to shake off the dust on my gloves and go for some classes. ;)