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dDoinkster Speaks

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive"


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I don't usually do this but this is the first video that I've seen on YouTube that's worth a mention! This kid was just 4 years old when he did it. I've seen adults or teenagers do it but this is just unbelievable! Just watch it yourself and see.
You can also check out the parent's blog where they posted more information about the kid but it's all in japanese. So it's all french/japanese/spanish to me. :) Sunny California Diary. Unbelievable!

Mulu trip - Part 1.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

After MIJF 2006, a few of us were sent on a short holiday at Royal Mulu Resort with a Sarawak Tourism Board [STB] representative. I'm really thankful that we clicked right away with each other and we had a blast! :D Guys and ladies, we have to meet up again soon. :) Else we'll just meet up again at MIJF 2007. :)
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So early Sunday morning, the 6 of us was taken on the Fokker 50 to Mulu. :) It was one hot plane...and I mean it was very hot inside the plane. Most of us were sweating when we arrived at Mulu.
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The airport was very casual and laid-back. You could see clothes hanging outside the airport communication tower. :) I was half-expecting to see kids playing on the landing strip. :P
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Facing the airport, I assume that's the house of the person in-charged of the airport. :) He had paved a pathway right from his house to the airport. Talk about easy access.
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Now how could I forget to take a photo of the welcome sign. :) Whee, I was at Mulu.
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This is by far the most unbelievable sight I've seen so far in Sarawak. :D Now how's that for a balancing act? :) Everybody's luggage on one cart. Better don't bring anything fragile to Miri unless you don't intend to check in any of your luggages.
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It's quite refreshing to be at a place where everything is so laid-back and slow. :) There's only a handful of vehicles in Mulu and it's a fantastic feeling compared to the hustle and bustle of KL. FYI, the resort is really nice...with a spa, a swimming pool and loads of activities for you to check out.
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Checking in was pretty quick, thank goodness. Maybe also we had a STB rep with us, that's why things flowed so well. :D Thank you very much for everything, Letitia. :) It was a pleasure to have met you and have you with us on the trip.
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Huge room for just me. :) Each of us got our own room and 2 queen sized beds. :) It was great! ;)
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And the view...paradise. :) Ok,so the photo can't really show you much and also you can't hear the forest all I can say is 'you had to be there'. :D
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You can see that they tried their best to blend technology into Mulu's natural surroundings. :) Didn't do a very good job but if there's isn't the satellite dish, we won't be getting astro on our TVs. ;)

Mulu trip - Part 2.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Now on with the trip to Mulu Caves. :D
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I found this quite amusing. :) Now with this, you can speak malay with a slang. haha. Try it. :P
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The Mulu National Park is really nice. :D Clean should be the word. Took us a while to get to the canopy walk and during the walk, there's a lot of interesting insects and greenery to look at. We were quite lucky too, after we left the Deer Cave and Langs Cave was closed before of rocks falling and blocking the route to the caves. :D We actually heard/saw the rocks fall when we were there on Sunday but we were told that it was just huge lumps of guano [bat crap]. Not sure when it'll be open again but we sure are a lucky bunch. :)
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The view from the canopy walk is really fantastic. :) Scary but really cool. Did you know that they did not use any nails in the construction of the canopy walk. Everything is just tied to the trees and the cables are supporting all the weight. :D
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The walk towards Deer Cave and Lang Cave was really fun. :) I had no idea how much time we spent walk but it was a lot! I should have gotten a massage after getting back to my room. :P
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These can be seen at the Langs Cave. :) Good idea with the spotlights cause I did not bring any torchlights. :)
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Don't they look like drapes? :) Really interesting stuffs!
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Here's how Deer Cave looks like from the Bat Observatory area where from 5.30pm to 6pm you can see millions of bats flying out for dinner. :)
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Now can you see the face here on the rocks? :) This is inside Deer Cave, see if you can find it when you are there.
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Can't see it? Let me help you out. :D See it now?
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The guy that designed and wrote the copy for the signboards that's placed all over the park is really funny! :D
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I don't know if you can read it here but the australian couple that wrote all the stuffs are really funny! :) It's good to keep facts like these light and easy to read since we are on a holiday here and I certainly do not want to read boring stuffs! :)
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Now for the famous, Abraham Lincoln's profile in the Deer Cave. Wow... :) God sure knows how to make things look interesting. :)
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For eons, people have been looking for the existence of the Garden of Eden and where was it all along? Here in Malaysia, in Mulu, inside the world largest cave. :P I really should check it out the next time I'm there. :) Looks really interesting.
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Now what's a trip without photos of food. :P Ok,so it's hotel food but it was nice...not as good as I hoped it would be but still ok. :)
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Dessert was yummy though. :) *drool* Sigh, I miss Miri! I miss the friends and the times spent there, chatting and laughing. I have to make sure I'm at MIJF 2007. :) My other posts about my Miri trip can be found here, here and here.

Dinner with a laugh.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Now I'm not saying that the dinner wasn't tasty...we had Comedy Central and Who's Line Is It Anyway? after dinner so that's dinner with a laugh. :D And pre-dinner, we had some In Living Colors courtesy of Roy. Thank you for that. :P Dinner was fantastic. :) Thanks for having us over Mia & Adam.
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Started with mushroom soup and bread, which was a good change from the usuals. :) Just delicious! *slurp* chunky mushrooms.
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And for the main course, we had chicken with carrots and potatos. :D I love potatos and carrots. :) Man,just looking at it makes me hungry again. :) Mia, please make 2 portions the next round. :P We are savages who need meat.
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With fruits as desserts, we laughed til it was morning and not wanting to piss the neighbours off, we decided to call it quits. :) I think I might have been a little too expressive and laughed too much. ;) but hey, those were some funny stuff! :D Let's do it again soon!

Isn't she lovely?

Rainbow, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Ok, so the photo kinda sucks but the color was really beautiful, what with the sky with that shade. :)

Should have gotten out of my car and taken a better shot without the cables in the photo but hey, I was in a rush. :)

Billy Cobham is in town.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Billy Cobham In KLPac, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Thanks to Suthan, I've gotten hold of three passes to see Billy Cobham with Culture Mix 'live' in KL tomorrow at KLPac. :D

Visit for more information and reviews. :)

I found it!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Crocs In Malaysia, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Yes, it's finally here after seeing Farid wearing them and also seeing them being on sale at Isetan, KLCC for quite awhile now.

I love these Crocs. They are super comfortable and best thing about them is, they won't smell. :D I need that. haha. :)

Now to wait for my color to arrive next week and I'll be a happy camper once again since I can't stay in Miri longer. :P

I miss Miri!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sigh, I miss Miri already and it's only 3 days ago that I left Miri. Maybe it's mostly because of the new friends that I've made there. Friends that when we are together, we annoy quite a lot of people around us. haha. :D Uptight people that cannot take things lightly. Ok,so it was my fault for knocking on the back of the chair while we were flying back but no need to smack my friend's leg and say 'stop it'. Whatever, let's not go there. Moving on with the photos. I took loads of photos so I just have to randomly pick them out to show to people how Miri is cool and a fun place to visit.
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Here's a view of the venue of MIJF 2006 from my room on the executive floor. :D Thank you very much Sarawak Tourism Board for letting me stay on the 7th floor. ;) I had a great time. :P
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And right next to the pavillion is the open area where you can get food and gifts and stuffs.
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Then of course there's a view of my room. :D I love it. haha. :)
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With loads of free stuffs stocked up in the bathroom.
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And fresh fruits at my disposal. :) Didn't get a chance to finish but I would have loved to try out the 'buah salak' or snake-skin fruit. Doesn't it look interesting. :)
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Not to mention the unlimited cookies that we can get only on the executive floor. :D Delicious! haha. :) I'm so happy I was on the 7th floor. Hopefully I'll get to stay on the 7th floor again next year...well,if I get to go back for MIJF 2007 that is. :)
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Fantastic experience and not forgetting the free unlimited wi-fi usage from the comfort of my room. :D
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Nice seaview from my room too even though they were in the midst of reclaiming some land.
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I love this idea of having special water bottles with the MIJF logo on it and also the bag for us to hold stuffs in. :)
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Did you know that Oceean Twelve is very big in Miri? :P So big that they used it to introduce their seafood buffet. :) I wonder if Steven Soderbergh would be asking for money with the use of the film title. :P
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Here's a photo of me with Vincent and Carlo of Fra Fra Sound if I'm not mistaken, just after the press conference. Vincent is just full of information and he's so willing to share it with people who are interested. :) It was great talking to him!
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And not forgetting the horn section for Lluis Coloma just before the show started on the 2nd night. :) They were just fantastic! Really tight group.
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So during the afternoons before the festival started, the press/media was brought to see Miri and I have to say this is quite funny. :) On sale in Miri's Imperial Mall or something like that. :) Pork-You-Ball? hahaha.. :P Ok,so maybe you don't find it funny but I do..haha. :D
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Did the whole tourist thing and went to the the first oilrig in Miri or was it in Malaysia...but anyways, the Grand Old Lady on Canada Hill was pretty good looking for her age. ;)
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Then there was the City Fan. See why it's called the City Fan? The whole area is designed to look like a fan...if you were looking at it from an aerial view. From the ground, it looks like any other park but it was really clean. I have to say that the municipal council here did a very good job, unlike PJ's or KL's where all the money that could have been used to clean up the place is used for celebration and unnecessary and ugly looking ornaments on the streets.
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And their library looks so much better than ours. Plus, it's super easy to get into, which is good for people that want to get into the library...nothing compared to the library here in town. Oh well, what do I know...I never go there anymore since they moved to the new building.
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Here's where I helped Miri grow financially. :) Bought quite a lot of gifts from here to bring back. A bunch of pepper sweets and some trinkets. Should have gotten Queen of the World the pepper perfume. :P It smells more like pepper spray than a perfume. Just perfect for her. haha. :D
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To think, they would be selling A+ chicken to us but I guess we'll just have to check on the quality of our chicken before we purchase them now. :)
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We also checked out the Tamu Muhibbah and saw this interesting looking wild vegetable. :)
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Then yummy delicious noodles at some stall in town next to the Boulevard Mall. The chilli was incredible. :) Didn't manage to take a photo of it cause I was too busy finishing it. :P
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And for the finale of the trip...this special tea that looks like the Sarawak flag. :) Beautiful and delicious too. If everything goes well, I should be visiting Miri and Mulu again this coming september. :D I miss my friends. :) When can we meet up again and hear Pang sing loudly and see people stare at us in disbelief? haha. :P

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