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dDoinkster Speaks

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive"

Merdeka Thosai.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

PadangKota_PaperThosai, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Spent Merdeka Eve over at Laundry to check out Madison Flynt. A punk rock group from Denmark.

Pretty loud, good for Laundry that's for sure! :D

Anyways, CineLeisure celebrated Merdeka with a huge bang. A 10 minute firework display, which stopped traffic.

We tried to get out of Curve ahead of time so we don't have to get stuck in the jam but alas, the people driving stopped to watch the firework display as well.

Should have expected it lar. Malaysia mah!

Went over to Kota Damansara for some supper and this paper thosai was fantastic! ;)


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Note to self; MOVE when the opportunity arises! Move = Pull up stakes, change one's address, go away, decamp, move away, go away.

Steaking out at Puchong.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Went over to James & Christina's place last night to check out their most recent possession. A 1970s Volkwagon Bus. :D If it was a 1960s it would be have better but it's not easy to find them in Malaysia. What a waste! If I had the money, I would get myself one and get it pimped out! ;) Anyways, went to this restaurant near Giant, Puchong called 'Steak Out'. I wonder if its a franchise from America with the same name.
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You can't miss it, it faces Giant and has a huge signboard ontop of the building.
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Not too bad a place. Quite nice with comfy booths to sit your butts on.
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Price-wise, it's ok... ranging from RM 8 - RM 42. These are their erm... cheese sticks. Taste quite good with the tartar sauce.
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Did I mention that each of them are stuffed to the brim with cheese? ;) Tasty warm cheese, deep-fried with tartar sauce.
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James had the erm...sausage. Some german sausage. Looks kinda scrawny, even the Dave's Deli sausage is bigger than this. But it was good! :D
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Ken had the hawaiian chicken that comes with pasta. I guess if you like having pasta with tomato sauce, this might tickle your fancy.
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I went with chunky garlic with mushroom chicken. I was kinda hoping for more garlic but there was a good portion of mushrooms and not the cheap mushrooms. The sauce was just nice for the whole mix. More garlic would have been fun. :D Overall, for a party of 5 the bill came up to just under RM 100. Not too bad I say.

Smart Malaysian drivers.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

InconsiderateDriver, originally uploaded by hanlian.

I would like to thank the driver of that Perodua MyVi and the Proton Waja for cutting cue. It was very refreshing to see people who can't wait in line like the rest of the people that has been stuck in the traffic jam just trying to get into Subang.

The rest of us who were waiting patiently in line wasn't bummed out by the traffic jam we had to endure to reach this junction.

We aren't in a rush to get to where we are suppose to be. We aren't sick and tired of getting stuck in the traffic jam.

I'm sure next time when you're lining up at a fast food joint or at the bank, you won't be waiting in line because you're in a rush and can't wait patiently like the rest of the people.

Thank you very much. We crave to get stuck in traffic jams.

Spanish Teh Tarikh.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Even been to the Panadero Bakery over at Centre Point at Bandar Utama? If you have been to Centre Point during the day, I'm sure you'd have caught a whiff of the sweet sweet smell of fresh bread being made.
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Had afternoon tea with some friends after checking out CanaanLand. They do have some tasty treats there.
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But when I ordered my Teh Tarik, I did not expect this.
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This is my teh tarik. Does it look like teh tarik to you? Oh wait, you think that was hilarious? Take a look at the description they used for this beverage I ordered.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I do not think Boh Tea is from Spain. And I don't think Spain do teh tarik! Malaysia sure boleh!

Why me?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Was attending a Children's Prayer Conference and Rally organized by NECF, Malaysia at PJ EFC.
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Wasn't there to be a babysitter but was there to learn from the guest speaker, Pastor Samuel Pun from Singapore. A man that's been in the children ministry for 22 years. A much sought after pastor it seems and I can understand why after spending two days listening to him speak.
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I'm glad that the children from our church was blessed by the event and I'm surprised that I was blessed too. It was a very interesting and educational two days! :) And as most people that meet me for the first time, they asked about my curls. :D I think a lot of the kids were wondering what's up with the curls on this man. haha. ;) Anyways, if you are involved with the children ministry in your church, I really do suggest that you attend this man's workshops/sermons! Wonderful testimony.
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What's a post in my blog if there isn't a photo of food?!!? ;) The cafeteria in the PJ EFC building has pretty reasonably priced items! Taste pretty good too. This is the claypot loh shu fun. I think the price is lower to cater to the UTAR students studying in the building in front of PJ EFC.

Hot dogs?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Did you know that the term 'hot dog' is also used as a silly word that is used in an expression of excitement. For example, "Hot Dog was that fun!" or "I can't wait to go sky diving tomorrow, Hot Dog!" Interesting, ei? Anyways, little moo-moo introduced me to this new hot dog place at Midvalley MegaMall called GoGo Franks. Ok, I've to admit the name is a little weird but if it's good... who cares? ;)
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I think this GoGo Franks is a Singaporean based company, looking at their website that is.
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*This is NOT what you think it is! ;) Instead of using the conventional buns, they wrap their dogs with prata aka roti canai. Pretty interesting.
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Then I found out that 1901 now also sells Maggi Mashed Potatoes. Great! Now don't have to just drive to petrol stations to look for them. :D
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Ok,so the photo doesn't really show that it's tasty but trust me it is! For only RM 1.50, it's pretty good! :)
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And since we were at 1901, how can we pass up the Chicago beef. :D *yum* *yum*


Saturday, August 19, 2006

ProjectBazooka_Me, originally uploaded by hanlian.

I look kinda sickly in this photo but hey, guess it's just the flash. :D

Went over to show support for Project Bazooka's ongoing project at Laundry Bar.

A little plug here; Project Bazooka every 3rd Thursday of the month at Laundry Bar, The Curve. Giving space for our local bands a place to perform their own stuffs!

They had Tempered Mental vs Rhapsody on Thursday. Only managed to catch the last 2 songs but it was well worth it. Great stuff!

That's Khailee on the left and Yuri on the right. The guy with the blingin' t-shirt is me. The t-shirt is suppose to say "Serious ah?" :)

Want some fourplay?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

FourPlay_DFP, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Thanks to the Dewan Filharmonic Petronas [DFP], I got myself a ticket to catch Bob, Nathan, Larry and Harvey or better known as FourPlay.

It was a pity that they was held up at the airport and missed their press conference yesterday. I could have gotten myself a photo with them but alas, sh*t happens.

Their 2 day concert was fabulous even though the first night the gang was quite tired from the hiccup at the airport.

Last night's gig was fantastic! They did another 2 songs during the encore after performing 10 songs. They looked so laid-back while performing superbly.

If the line wasn't that long, I would have waited to get their autographs but there was just too many FourPlay fans there since the band did not have a autograph session on Tuesday.

I better not miss out Chick Corea and Gary Burton's gig at DFP next March! :D

Hmm, satay!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

All thanks to little Ms. Boo's entry on the Sate Kajang over at Damansara Uptown, I've been craving for them. Thank goodness, got a little moo-moo to go with me for some good satay. :D
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That's beef on the left and a little glimpse of the venison on the right and a large view of the peanut sauce with loads of sambal. ;)
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Then we made the mistake of ordering chicken. Yes, that's chicken on the left and fish on the right. The fish was quite interesting but not something that I'll order again. Not as bad as the chicken though. Bottom line, just stick with the beef and venison. Maybe the mutton too but I'm not sure and if you're a fan of liver and heart, they have that too. :) You can also do away with the rice so you can have more satay! :D Dang, now I want more. Anyone care to join me? ;)

Is that a cat?

Monday, August 14, 2006

HugeCat, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Man, this cat is huge! I don't know if it's pregnant or it's just well-fed. :D

Anyways, please excuse the lack of updates because the week's been busy, busy, busy. Sigh, can't wait for my Korea trip for this.

Anyone else going for it? If so, meet you there! :D

The Driver.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Transporter, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Congratulations to Alex & Li Ann. They got hitched on Saturday and I was their driver. :D

Thanks to a church friend, we managed to loan a Volvo S60 for transport. Man, that car was simply the bee's knees. So responsive and powerful.

If I could keep it, I would. :D Except for the high maintenance cost.

Had the priviledge to drive the couple and the bridesmaid around. I thought it was just a simple job but it was tiring! Fun nonetheless.

Noob donkey.

Friday, August 04, 2006

RTM_VIP, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Went over to TraxxFM in the afternoon for a meeting with the Jazz Selecta bunch since they are going to have a jazz thing-a-ma-jig at Bangkok Jazz on the 15th.

By the way, you are all invited for the party. It's FREE! Free food, drinks and plenty of local jazz musicians, TraxxFM DJs and celebrities.

More information here.

Anyways, the policemen at the guardhouse gave me this thing-a-mo-bob. Didn't really know what's it good for.

I thought that would allow me to park anywhere I want so I parked quite far from the entrance of the office 'cause there wasn't any empty space closer. After reaching the entrance of the building, I found out that there was a couple of VIP parking spaces designated for those with the VIP pass such as the one I had.

Banyak the pandai!

Cinema under the stars.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

StarLightCinema, originally uploaded by hanlian.

Another year has passed and StarLight Cinema is back. Now over at Sentul Park right behind KLPac.

Scored myself a pair of tickets to go check out the premier of Click. It starts off funny and ends with some emo bit.

Kinda reminds me of Spanglish but this one is real funny! haha. :D

For all you toe-fetish freaks out there.

ToesForYou, originally uploaded by hanlian.

For your information, I am NOT a toe-fetish freak. Thank you very much.

This is just to show how ladies will do quite erm... interesting things to their nails. I have a feeling the owner of these toes will come for my head. :P Mercy! ;)

Chatterbox at Bangsar Village.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Had lunch with 2 of the Charlie's Angels of SEACuisine at Bangsar Village just now. Suppose to check out Delicious but it was full house indoors and the ladies did not want to sit ChatterBox it was.
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I think the place is like one of those HK restaurants you find in town such as Kim Gary, Wong Kok and the rest. And I really had no idea what to try out cause I was so looking forward for my Death By Chocolate.
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At least they didn't screw up the Hong Kong style tea. :)
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Some decent moneybags aka fried wantan. Quite like the chilli sauce they serve with it. But their other chilli sauce mix could have used a little more kick. ;)
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KS had some erm...I have no idea what it was but it was tasty. :)
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Since I couldn't decide, I just went with the safe items like the Cheese-Baked rice with pork slices. :) Had to throw in quite a large amount of chilli to get a good kick out of it. :D Overall, it's ok I guess but the bill came up to about RM68 so I'm not sure if that's reasonable or not compared to the rest. :)

Porridge for supper?

Went over to The Westin to catch Rachel and Vincent for the last time as their 5 months long stint ends tonight, I mean last night...I mean, ended on the 31st of July 2006. :) Anyways, after the gig we went over to Pudu for some Teo Chew porridge. Rachel's favourite place to makan after her gigs at Westin.
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That's just for four person eating. Very the banyak for supper/very early breakfast, don't you think? :D
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But it was fun just chillin' with the bunch of them since Rachel will be away for a month on holiday. You better bring back some pretty chicks,ok. :D Have a safe trip and take care,ya. :)

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